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Witold Repetowicz

freelance expert

Witold Repetowicz is an expert on the Middle East, terrorism and geopolitics. He is a graduate of the Faculty of Law and Administration of the Jagiellonian University and a doctoral student at the National Security Department of the War Studies University. He is the author of the following books: My name is Kurdistan and Allah Akbar. War and Peace in Iraq, as well as numerous reports from the frontline areas in Syria and Iraq. Mr. Repetowicz is a research fellow at Casimir Pulaski Foundation, and a permanent associate of Defence24.pl, Polska Zbrojna monthly, Nowa Konfederacja monthly, as well as Do Rzeczy weekly, Tygodnik Powszechny weekly, and the webnalist portal.

He specializes in Iraq, Syria, the Kurds, Turkey, Islamic State, Islamic extremism, he has also published articles, reports and analyses on Africa and Central Asia. He is a frequent guest in the Polish media, in news programs, commenting on terrorism and the war with the Islamic State.